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Meet Ted. Here is his story.

Ted was a beautiful and cautious 22-month-old. He loved playing with his brothers and cousins and had a special bond with our family dog, Chloe. Our day on Sunday, February 14, 2016, started out as a typical day. We went to church in the morning. Since it was Valentine’s Day, our church handed out chocolate candy on the way out. Ted enjoyed his on the way home and had chocolate smeared on his face when we pulled into the garage. It was so adorable. He was just so unaware of how silly he looked with chocolate all over. I remember looking at him and it made me stop and smile before I brought him into the house.

After lunch and a lot of playing, it was time for Ted to take a nap. I checked on him every 15-20 minutes. The last time I opened his door to check on him, it was quiet. As I started to open the door, I expected to see him in his bed sleeping.

Instead, I saw an empty bed.

As I pushed the door open further, I saw his dresser had fallen forward. Given how eerily quiet it was, I instantly knew my sweet Ted was underneath.

The rest of that day felt like a bad movie that my mind can’t stop replaying. I lifted up the dresser and started digging through the drawers and screamed for someone to call 911.

At the bottom was my precious boy, lying quietly and still.

We started CPR and the paramedics took over soon after. Ted was rushed to the nearest hospital and was still alive with a faint heartbeat. As the medical staff worked hard to save Ted’s life, we held his cold, chubby hand and prayed to God to save Ted. We were soon told that there was nothing more that could be done. Our prayers changed from asking God for a miracle to asking God to take good care of our little boy as we entrusted Ted back to Him. In a matter of just four short hours, our lives had changed forever and would never be the same again. It was just six weeks before Ted’s second birthday. Instead of planning his second birthday party and what outfit he should wear, I was planning his funeral and picking out what outfit to bury him in.

Before Ted died, we were part of the 73% of Americans who don’t anchor their furniture. We’re now part of the minority who do, but desperately wish it hadn’t taken this tragedy to get us to do it.


It can happen to you. But the good news is you have the power to prevent it. A $5-$10 anchor kit and 10 minutes of your time is all it takes. If your furniture is short, tall, wide, narrow, heavy, light, expensive, inexpensive, name brand, generic, it doesn’t matter. Anchor it all. Cheap dressers have killed children. Expensive dressers have killed children. Adult dressers have killed children. Juvenile dressers and baby furniture have killed children. Short pieces of furniture only 2 feet tall have killed children. Tall pieces of furniture have killed children. Large box TVs have killed children. Skinny flat-screen TVs have killed children.

If you have a child in your home and you do not anchor your TVs and furniture, it’s the same risk as allowing your toddler to walk along the top of a 10-story building and crossing your fingers they don’t fall.

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